Don’t know why but whenever I see the ad of the Fast Track watches or its allies products an inner strength build up in me to read its tagline, mentioning clear cut what is title of my article is. Indeed its time to move on. Today read an article from “Soul Curry” from the tabloid of Indian Express “Eye” written by Charulata Ravi Kumar, CEO, Product of the Year, i felt an immense urge to write on something which I was trying to figure out since few years… We hold up things, people, grudges, relationships, feelings and don’t what else things deep in our heart somewhere. Sometimes we speak it out in vain, and sometimes we don’t even let it come out only, hurting no one other but only our selves.. Most of us hold on to such straws in the hope that our attachment to what’s dear to us will remain forever.. We fear and dislike death to the point of denial, making it different to deal with our loss. But loss is inevitable. Birth, death, failure, success, loss, gain, rejection, acceptance, hatred, love- all must be embraced with equal grace. Because they are equal parts of nature. It’s the law. The truth. Throughout the years I felt something in me, something which I thought was making me incomplete. Something for which I was craving like a child, who craves for street side chocolates. I was not happy, I felt stressed out, I was in depression, for what, for not been accepted, for not being loved, for not accepting the fact that I was rejected, for few past years, I tried to ruined my all coming years of my life, for few people, I tried to hurt as many people around me who loved me, and lived for me. Is rejected so hard to accept, or is it the humiliation of being rejected by someone who no more exist just mere than our shadow in my life, why we are so much engulfed in my own fear and why we can’t over come it…?? I felt rejected by world that in spite getting through the numero uno marks in university, m still struggling for a good job in a good MNC’S. I felt rejected when I send thousands of texts to my “buddies” but yet not being replied even once. I felt rejected that being the eldest sibling in our family, I was being outlooked. I felt rejected with the question to myself, that is my impatient nature or my nature of moving fast and moving out from life..?? Let’s see things with practical eyes rather being in fantasy, is everything constant in this world?? Death is taken by new birth, childhood is taken by the youthfulness, middle age by old one, old true friends are in memories and we get in contact with new “real” buddies in the co-operate world, crushes are taken by love, love is taken by marriage, parents are left behind and we move in with are partners, and we go on with the endless list. It’s my personal opinion, by my choice, that nothing here is constant. May be I am completely wrong in some eyes but this is my thinking. We are the matter made up of energy. If recall some old science theory, energy is not created or destroyed, it’s just converted in other form, and so is our lives. Why we get so mess up with our lives, and make it complex, when the life is not that complex in the eyes of almighty. The nature changes, and it is the law, and we all abide by it, isn’t it?? Miss Charulata has some suggestions how to overcome the pain of loss.. 1. Let go to the fear of death. Death is not dark, it is not sorrow, its just a step forward for another new life. Yes we will miss dear ones, but we can remember them in the memories we are fonf of them but not the one which haunts us. Instead of mourning, spent it in more silence than the outburst. 2. Let go of your bonds with material things. The material things around us are symbolic only of our life’s mile stone. S we are drive through the life, we should learn to leave the milestones where they are. We need to reach our destination and drive on; not pick up the stones as mementos. 3. Let go the constant need for physical proximity. Throughout the lives, we must learn to let go of siblings as they get married, of parents as they die, of friends as they part, and of crushes, infatuations and lovers, as we/they move on or break up. 4. Let go your inhibitions. Brought up on the values that our parents hold dear, we create taboos down as heirlooms. “ONLY A FREE MIND THAT ASKS QUESTIONS WILL HAVE THE STRENGTH TO FACE PAIN”. But more important than the open answers to these questions is what will break the pain barriers with ease. 5. Learn to go of possessiveness. Our fear of losing our friends, partners, and children is but an expression of our need of control and feel our powers over them. Its perhaps the most difficult but the most important of all detachments we need to practice. And as for me, the answers to all life awaited questions are having answers clear now, no door is closed for me, if it get closed, another is there ready waitin for me for my entrance, my problem was I am looking long at the closing door, and it lies with all of us. It’s the path that may be wrong but not the destination, a chapter is ended if something goes wrong, not the end of the book, Journey is awaitin and I need to complete it. I will strive to hold on to my dearest people and their memories closest to my heart, but it’s time to let them go or its time to just simply MOVE on..