Friday, 23 September 2011


I always write articles, it’s been political, social, personal…writing articles is been my passion, it’s something where I feel myself discovered, it’s something what you can call “my first love”. Well it’s the month of Feb., it’s the month of “love”…so I felt to let my thoughts bore nectar of this divine feeling in my words…
To write something about love, let me first confess, I really don’t know what is divine love, but this what I felt to pen it down…To fall in Love, or Love at first sight, I think these are the common words that we hear every day all around, isn’t it?? But what exactly Love is?? I think Love is that feeling which cannot be expressed in words, or for which words are just the limits…Love is the most divine & purest relation that has been bestowed to human kind on this planet…
Love…Love is the pearl on the eyelashes; Love is a throbbing eternal heart…Love is the dew that drips drop by drop to fill the oceans….Love is the greenery that grows on the rocks…Love is the oasis in the desert for the thirsty ones, Love is the rising stream!! Love…Love is the divine attribute….it’s such a feeling which gives us the feeling of completeness…
Everyone on this earth have been in Love with someone…Somewhere or the other we fall for someone, someone who makes our world complete. But not everyone on this earth is bestowed with such a divine feeling…everyone feels that I should also be loved by the person whom I love, but this is not always possible…we always expect that they should reply our feelings but have we ever expected to whom we making them wait for our just their one expectation… Love is not to impress, its need to be expressed, impress develops, “so what” attitude, but express develops, “me too” attitude, but it’s always not necessary to express the feelings only by words, there are different ways to express your feelings, where eyes are the first…may be the last….sometimes they do speak, but the fact is that they always remain unread… and that unread eyes speak in another form as first tears…
It’s just far not to say, you may have heard of one diehard craze, as again not say but need to tell…it’s… “One Sided Love Affairs”. The latest statistics by Times of India (21st Feb. 2010), saying that “Every year the lives ended by one sided love affairs is more as compared to poverty in our country, as much as near about 1925 people end their lives every year…” and now this is wrong men…To be very honest is one side love, is really a love?? It’s just not the Love. One sided love is like a cancer of your feelings, if you not cure it at your earliest, it will ruin your life. It doesn’t unite two hearts… Remember egg broken from outside, a life ends, but a egg broken from within, a new life starts…Great things always begin from within, you can’t force any one for your feelings, if it’s really your True Love, then it will be yours, no one in this universe can let you apart from them, but if it’s not, then no one in this universe will make them yours… its bitter but its truth, it may be just an attraction, or you can call it an infatuation, with a fake face called “Love”, but it’s not your Love…
Love is something different, Love is blessing by almighty, it develops in both the hearts, where both care for each other, both respect each other’s emotions and feelings, where both nurture their purest relation on wheels of trust and honesty…to sustain any relation, especially when its love, I guess you define yourself on these two wheels, where “I trust you” should follow before “I love you” or else, it’s not possible to be committed without these two pearls in your love life…
Another fact that I have seen is that, Love dwelling from friendship, these kinds of feelings is very common now a day’s…to be very frank and honest I personally don’t have any kind of problem from these relations, but where I see problem again is that fiery “one side love”, if he or she is not your love but at least he or she was your friend, otherwise again you lose one relation from his or her heart, and it’s the blister gift of  their “friendship” …But if suppose it’s from both the sides, it’s  such a beautiful relation, I mean it’s really so sweet to know that your friend has lend his or her hand for the journey of your lifetime, I mean who knows you more than yourself, only that shadow of your face, whom you call it as your “friend”, isn’t it such purest form of love??
Love is not any physical attraction, nor it’s a part while being always together, though these are two main reasons for someone who “think” to “fall” in Love…Sometimes it’s not face that matters, it’s something that lies deep within them, which always bind us to them, sorry friends again unable to express that feeling in words….nor even is to be together with them…distance can also matter sometimes…it’s hard to accept, but when accepted nothing on earth will keep you apart from them… One day, the waves have to meet the seashore… When the distance is so much, the feeling of nearness starts…Love has a hope, hatred is hopeless…Love is not only to want, but to sacrifice also…Even if it includes your happiness…
True love is not to want them, but to feel them…It brings smile on your face, when they are happy, it’s not always to be together, but a feeling of togetherness completes when they feel contented to let their lives with someone…it’s a not feeling of what we desire, but it’s a feeling of what we deserve…it’s pleasure watching them happy in their lives, sometimes with us…and many times, without us… what makes us feel good, is to know what makes them happy…
And if you miss Love, then you are missing something, but if you are missing your God, then you are missing everything, because, Love is only substantial thing in life, all else is illusion. Let Love grow in you all & God will be growing on its own accord. If you are missing love, then I am sure you are missing your God…There is no way to God without love….God is the fragrance of Love and nothing else. God is echo from universe, when you’re in Love then that echo is there…And if God is the echo of the universe, then your Love for sure, is echo of that universe!! You just need to take that name, and if you’ve already taken the name your love, and if really that echo is there, then it will come back, your Love will come back….Just wait for your God’s justice…
Some people said me, that “Your expressions for love, seems a form of fake imagination, its baseless… You can never speak on True Love...” So here again, they mistook my definition of True Love…then for them I am writing, just one verse from my poem that what True Love means to me:
“Some are there in this world, comparing my love with lust…But, I am comparing…My vision, with his eyes…My heart beats, with his breath…My existence, with his life…I am comparing…My lord, with his face…”
True Love is like the chaste of pearl, always remained untouched, but always been questioned on its purity. I don’t about others, but for me, what I feel…“True Love is like the divinity given by Almighty, having the power to turn the course blood running in a woman’s chest, into pure milk running in a mother’s breast…”


  1. Nice1. it feels good when ur feeling connects with something wt u reading.
